The BALTO Print Printing House has been running the Book Art Competition since 1993 and since 1996, organised and curated by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, which has brought happy news to the Printing House. All the responsible efforts of the 2022 artists and layout designers, illustrators, publishers and printers have not gone unappreciated – the winners of the competition have been announced for the book as a whole, which is the result of the patient and careful work of the book team.
In 2022, 113 titles were submitted by sixty publishers. We are delighted that the unconventional printing solutions offered by BALTO print, which are unique and distinctive, have contributed to as many as six of the prize-winning publications.
The jury awarded a prize in the CHILDREN’S BOOKS thematic group:
Prize for Agne Dautartaite-Krutule, Rokas Bilinskas and Leonards Mekionis for the book “Dra ta ta. Stasys Ušinskas Marionettes’ Conversation with Puppeteer Rimantas Driežius” (conceived and initiated by the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library, author of the idea Sigutė Chlebinskaitė; artist Agnė Dautartaitė-Krutulė, illustrations and layout: Rokas Bilinskas, Leonardas Mekionis, 3D puppet modulation: Antanas Skučas, Margarita Valionytė, published by the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, printed by BALTO print);
Diploma to Laura Grigaliūnaite for the book “Ugnies giesmės. The book “Fire Fires” (author Rimantas Kmita, book design by Laura Grigaliūnaitė, published by “Tyto alba”, printed by “BALTO print”);
Art and Documentary Photography group of publications:
Prize for the compiler and artist Gyčys Skudžinskas for the publication Borderless Place (photographs by Chia-Yun Wu, published by the Lithuanian Photographers’ Union, Lithuanian Photographers’ Union Photography Foundation, printed by BALTO print);
diploma to Tom Mrazauskas for the publication “Atlaidai / Pilgrimages” (photographs by Romualdas Požerskis, compiled by Gintaras Česonis, designed by Tom Mrazauskas, published by Kaunas Photography Gallery, printed by BALTO print);
Diploma to Sigute Chlebinskaite for the publication “Mon Père Ant” (author Jean-Christophe Mončys, artwork by Sigute Chlebinskaite, layout by Gražina Kazlauskiene, published by “Aukso Žuavys”, printed by “BALTO print”);
The award of the Lithuanian Artists’ Union was awarded to Petras Babušis for the publication “Lithuanian Women Artists. Women Artists of Visual Arts from the Beginning of the 20th Century to the Present Day” (author and compiler Agnė Narušytė, layout by Petras Babušis, texts by Ieva Burbaitė, Audronė Žukauskaitė, Laima Kreivytė, Karolina Rimkutė, Aira Niauronytė; cover designer Jurgis Griškevičius, cover photograph by Eglė Rakauskaitė; published by “Kitos knygos” and printed by BALTO print.