Colour profiles and paper types
The new ECI offset profiles for offset printing in accordance with the international print process standard ISO 12647-2:2013:
- FOGRA51 – PSO Coated v3 – coated paper. Typical papers (Wood-free coated, gloss, semi-matte, matte (WFC) High and medium weight coated (HWC, MWC)).
- FOGRA52 – PSO Uncoated v3 – wood-free uncoated white paper. Typical papers (Offset, wood-free uncoated (WFU)).
Due to the technical characteristics of embossed, decorative, colored materials, digital control prints may be inaccurate and different from offset printing.
Windows OS
To Install Color profile, choose *.icc file and press right mouse button on it. In the pop-up menu choose Install Profile. If this line is in bold, you just need to double click on it and the profile is installed.
Profile *.icc file should be pasted in one of two folders: /Library/ColorSync/Profiles – the profile will be available for all computer users; /Users/[username]/Library/ColorSync/Profiles – the profile will be available only for user [username]. *[username] it is user name, no brackets needed.COLOR PROFILE SETTINGS IN ADOBE PHOTOSHOP
When correcting or viewing the Document in Adobe Photoshop, it is recommended to use the same Color profile, which will be used for printing.
To open Color Settings window go Edit > Color Settings or press Shift + Ctrl + K.
When the document is for printing, the most important option is CMYK Working space profile:
The profile matching the paper of document should be chosen in the CMYK box. In case when necessary profile is not in the list, the profile should be installed (please see Color Profile Installation).
Also, the profile can be loaded from Photoshop, using setting Load CMYK:
NOTE: The profile installed using Load CMYK is not saved in system color directory and does not stay in the list. This option is recommended only when standard Color profile installation is not possible (for example, you do not have the rights of administrator).

Images for print should be converted to profile matching paper type. Correct profile is essential for quality print.
To convert the image use Edit → Convert to Profile:
Convert to Profile window will be opened. Choose the necessary profile in Destination Space:

All papers might look white from the first glance, but all of them have some shade. Especially book papers, like Munken.
Adobe Photoshop displays images assuming paper has no color. But in fact, printed image colors are affected by paper shade. In the printing house, hard color proof simulates paper color. In Adobe Photoshop there is a feature which enables to get a pretty good idea how the image might look when printed. This feature Paper Simulation can be turned on following:
1. Correct profile should be set (please see Profile Setting in Adobe Photoshop).
2. Go View → Proof Setup and choose Custom.
3. In the pop-up window mark Simulate Paper Color. Also check if correct CMYK profile is set. If yes, press OK. By pressing OK Proof preview mode is activated.
4. To turn on/of Proof preview mode go View > Proof Colors (or press Ctrl + Y).
In Adobe Acrobat Pro there is also a feature which lets to simulate paper color in print-ready PDF file.
To activate paper simulation go Print Production and Output Preview. In the pop-up window set correct Simulation Profile and mark Simulate Paper Color.
Please note, that it is impossible to repeat screen view in print. Some color changes will always occur. It is important to calibrate screen colors and work in appropriate environment. Details like lightning, walls color, etc. has an impact on expected result as well.