Each year, the Ministry of Culture together with the Lithuanian Artists’ Association and the Vilnius Academy of Arts host the contest for best Lithuanian books in respect of artwork and polygraphic performance. This year, the contest was attended by 63 printing houses with 142 books.
On 23 February 2017, at Vilnius International Book Fair, artists and illustrators have been awarded 6 prizes and diplomas by 12 thematic groups.
The printing house BALTO print received 8 diplomas for the most beautiful books printed in 2016.
One of the 8 diplomas awarded to the printing house BALTO print was for the printing of “Q”, a book by Luther Blisset, which received the year’s main prize (artist Agnė Dautartaitė-Krutulė; publishing house “Aukso Žuvys”).
Another 7 diplomas were awarded to the printing house BALTO print for the following books:
“Uosto fuga” (en: Port Fugue) (artist Sigutė Chlebinskaitė; author Mindaugas Kvietkauskas; Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House; printing house “BALTO print”)
“Naisių vainikas. Zigmo Gėlės premijos laureatų poezijos analogija” (en: Crown of Naisiai. Analogy of Zigmas Gėlė’s Award Winners’ Poetry) (artist D. Rybakovienė; Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House; printing house BALTO print)
“Lietuvos Jeruzalės medikai” (en: Medics of the Lithuanian Jerusalem) (compiler Davidas Ščupakas; artist Jokūbas Jacovskis; R. Paknys’ Publishing House; printing house BALTO print)
“Šiuolaikinės medijos ir informacija. Požeminiai garažai Google karalystėje” (en: Modern Media and Information. Underground Garages of the Realm of Google) (artist S. Jankauskaitė; authors V. Grigas, A. Šuminas, A. Gudinavičius, and M.Grigaliūnas; PI “Akademinė Leidyba”; printing house BALTO print)
“Laimė yra lapė” (en: Happiness is a Fox) (illustrator A. Kiudulaitė; author E. Daciūtė; publishing house “Tikra Knyga”; printing house BALTO print)
“Kultūringa pelė Stasė” (en: Stacey the Mouse of Culture) (illustrator D. Karpavičiūtė; author M. Krikštopaitytė; released by Modern Art Centre; printing house BALTO print)
“Barokas ir betonas. Fotomanipuliacijos” (en: Baroque and Concrete. Photomanipulations) (author Liudas Parulskis; publishing house “Actus musicus” (Lapas); printing house BALTO print). The artist of this book Z. Butautas received the Award of Vilnius Academy of Arts.